Friday, October 11, 2019
CACHE Early Years Education And Care Essay
1.1 and 1.2: Physical care needs for children in relation to nappy changing, would be keeping children clean and dry, by changing soiled nappies as soon as possible. Making sure to wear an apron and gloves, use the right sized nappy and by using the appropriate wipes and creams (if needed). Toilet training routine care needs would be asking children to go to the toilet at regular intervals. Learning to wipe, clean them selves up and to flush. Making sure they wash and dry their hands after use of toilet. Washing and bath time care needs would be to make sure water is not to hot or cold. Seeing that hands, face and body are thoroughly cleaned with appropriate soap and either sponge or flannel. Skin care would include making sure it is clean. Seeing that the right creams and ointments are used for cuts, sores and certain skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis etc). Having noses wiped, and tissues then being put into a bin and making sure coughs and sneezes are covered then washing hands af ter. Teeth care is to make sure that teeth are brushed at least twice a day with a suitable toothbrush and toothpaste that is appropriate for each age group and needs of each child. Hair care includes having hair washed with a suitable shampoo and conditioner ( if conditioner is needed). Having hair brushed everyday at least once. Making sure hair is cut and maintained regularly (checked for head lice etc). Mealtime care routines differ between ages of children. Babies would require temperature-controlled formula in a sterilised bottle around every 3-4 hours, with them being winded during and after each feed. Toddlers would require food easy to chew (blended or soft foods), at least 3 times a day with plenty of fluids in between. Young children would eat a variety of normal foods, and would learn how to eat with a fork, knife and spoon etc. They would be taught to wash hands before eating and to sit appropriately at a table. The children would be encouraged to ask for more should they want it and help themselves to pouring drinks etc. 1.3: Non- routine physical care would be required if a child was to have an accident, e.g. wet or soiled themselves, fall over or split something whichà needed cleaning or clothes changing. Other non-routine care would be if a child was to become ill e.g. be sick, has an allergic reaction etc. 1.4: Benefits in working in partnership with parents/carers is the information received for each individual child and creates a good relationship which builds confidence for everyone.. Parents can learn from you and you can learn from parents. For example knowing which child has allergies or certain medical conditions. Which child takes medication or has behavioural issues. Also to find out if there are any cultural issues or language barriers. Children can be different at home/school therefore there is a need to work together to reduce this effect, by working together can help with synchronising routines, e.g. no good doing something one way at home and another way at setting. Having care plans set in place for each child and having all issues, needs and likings/dislikings for each child can be maintained and can continue at home during holidays, weekends etc. Good working partnership helps parents feel empowered and not excluded from treatment plans etc. Unit 1.3 Y/505/9283 Support physical care routines for children 2.1: Hygienic practice to sterilising equipment is to make sure ands and surface areas around sterilised equipment are washed. Then make sure all feeding and preparation equipment is washed in hot soapy water. Use bottle/teat brushes to clean and make sure all previous feed is removed from inside and outside of bottles/teats, then rinse all under tap once cleaned. If using a commercial steriliser then you would need to follow the manufactures instructions. If boiling then make sure all bottles, teats etc are fully submerged with no air bubbles. Cover and boil at least for 10mins. It is best to remove equipment. Hygienic practice for preparing formula feeds is to clean hands and all surfaces before preparation. It is best to make up feeds just before use. Use fresh boiled water and then leave to cool. Once cooled, use the exact amount of formula as instructed then re-assemble bottle. Shake bottle making sure everything well mixed. Holding under tap or put in container cool formula to right feeding temperature. Always check temperature of feed on the inside of wrist by squirting a fewà drops, before giving it to baby. Always discard any left over feed after 2hours. 2.2: There are all varieties of formula milk, so they should be used in accordance to the needs of each child, as certain children may need a different formula to another child. Using the wrong formula, adding to much/little or not having the feed, at the right temp can affect the health of babies. If the feed has been left or stored to long it can cause the growth of bacteria. If the person or surrounding areas have not been washed/cleaned thoroughly that can also cause bacteria growth, and bacteria transfer onto sterilised equipment. If equipment has not been cleaned or sterilised properly then that can also cause bacteria to grow and not be eliminated. Unit 1.3 Y/505/9283 Support physical care routines for children 3.1: The role of an early years practitioner in relation to hand washing would be to make sure hands are washed thoroughly before preparing meals/snacks times and also afterwards. Hands should also be washed after changing and toileting. In relation to food hygiene hands must always be washed, then put on gloves and apron before handling/preparing foods. Food should stored in the correct tubs etc and at the right temperature. Food preparation areas should be cleaned thoroughly and different equipment should be used for different food types, to stop cross-contamination. Spillages should be cleaned up straight away to prevent accidents, staining and contamination etc, with the appropriate equipment (cloths, paper towels, mops). All waste should be disposed into the right bins, bags etc and then removed into an outdoor bin at the end of each day. When preparing foods, changing children, cleaning spillages and disposing of waste, an early years practitioner should always make sure hands have been washed before and after. They should always wear an apron and gloves where appropriate. Unit 1.3 Y/505/9283 Support physical care routines for children 5.1: Rest and sleep needs differ from each child and each age group. Forà example a 6-week-old baby will usually require around 15-16 hours per day. Most of these would be during the night and baby would probably be having around 3-4 naps per day. At 6 weeks, a baby will more than likely still be waking for feeds during the night. At 7 months a baby would be falling into a sleep pattern of around 11 hours each night, with around 2 naps during the day consisting of around 1-2 hours each. Most 7 month olds would be sleeping through the night. When it comes to children of 15 months old, sleep patterns change again. Most 15 month olds will be sleeping through the night for around 13 hours. They will need 1 nap during the day or 2 quick rest naps. These sleep patterns will usually stay the same till around the age of 3 years. Sleep and rest patterns for children aged 4-5 years would be around 10-12 hours a night without day naps. By the age of 6-7 years children would have around 8-10 hours a night also without daytime naps. All children will rest and sleep better if they have the same routine nap an bedtime each day/night. The sooner a child gets into a routine the better it can be for them settling. 5.2: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden and unexplained death of a baby, where no cause is found. While SIDS is rare, it can still occur and there are steps parents and take to help reduce the risks. Things you can do would be to always place your baby on their back to sleep. Keep your baby smoke free during and after birth. Have covers no higher than babyââ¬â¢s shoulders and tuck them in. Have baby sleep in your room for the first 6 months in a cot, crib or moses basket. Use a firm, flat and waterproof mattress in good condition and place baby in ââ¬Å"feet to footâ⬠position. The things to avoid would be to never sleep in a chair or on a sofa with your baby. Donââ¬â¢t sleep in the same bed as your baby, if you smoke or have been drinking or taking drugs etc. Donââ¬â¢t let your baby get to hot or cold and donââ¬â¢t use loose coverings. Unit 1.3 Y/505/9283 Support physical care routines for children N1: 6.1: Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can be very unpleasant and can sometimes lead to serious complications that can sometimes be fatal.à These include bacterial infection in the lungs (pneumonia) and the brain (encephalitis). Measles is caused by a virus spread in droplets and is very easy to be caught by those who have not been vaccinated. Typical symptoms of measles include fever, cough, conjunctivitis and a rash. Complications are even quite common in healthy people, and about 20% of reported measles cases experience one or more complication. Most people who are at risk of developing serious complications are babies younger than 12 months, children in poor health, teenagers and adults. 6.2: The first MMR vaccinations are usually given when your child is about 13 months old. A second is usually given before your child starts school. Adults and 6-13 month old children can also have the MMR vaccine if they are at risk of catching measles, if there is an outbreak of measles in your local area, or if you have been in close contact with someone who has measles. 6.3: There are parents who decide against having their children immunised, for a variety of reasons. For example some cultures or religions do not like or believe in having immunisations. Most go against immunisation because of a published document by a Dr Wakefield, claiming that the MMR vaccine is linked to Autism. Even though Dr Wakefieldââ¬â¢s study were found to be faked, some parents still donââ¬â¢t want their children to receive the MMR vaccine. Unit 1.3 Y/505/9283 Support physical care routines for children 7.1: Supporting children in physical care routines in relation to toileting, would be to have potties and toilet seats. To encourage children to use the toilet and to wash, dry and flush after toilet use. Have posters or pictures cards of actions which the children could follow,(like 1,2,3 steps Wipe,Flush,Wash,Dry etc.) on the walls or cubicle doors. In relation to washing, all children are encouraged to wash and dry their hands after toilet use, before meals/snack times and after doing certain activities (painting, sticking etc). Mealtime children are encouraged to get their own plates, cups etc, to have their hands washed and an apron on. They are also encouraged to feed themselves with the use of cutlery (if of appropriate age). Unit 1.3 question answers, 1.1, 1.2 and 5.1 also relate to the above. Unit 2.1 K/505/9286 An introduction to the role of the early years practitioner 2.1: People communicate to express needs, emotions and to share ideas. They also communicate to express feelings and to socialise. You also need to communicate to share experiences and to ask questions or to complain about things. Communication is also good for helping others to understand things. People communicate to establish and maintain relationships with others. Communication also helps with receiving and giving instructions and for getting information. It helps to share opinions and give encouragement. There are different ways of communicating either orally, hand signing or even written. Looking at body language is also a use of communication. 2.2: Communication is essential for carer to meet the needs of each individual child and their families. Communicating clearly and openly with other members of staff, the manager so as to make sure that the best possible care is provided and that this is done so reliably. This will help build your relationship and trust with colleagues and develop your role and theirs within the workplace. It ensures any health and safety or any other issues are recognised and reported accordingly, keeping others informed of current situations. It is also vital so parents and agencies/professionals, can inform or instruct their needs and issues with the carer or establishment of a child. Communication between a practitioner and child, is essential to build the childs confidence and helps promote good behaviour. Being a positive role model in the setting is vital to bond relationships to interact with others, helping the child to settle better and have an effective developments in all areas. Having good communication with parents also helps build a successful relationship with their child which then helps parents begin to have confidence and trust in us, that we can take care of their child. It is very important to have good communication with other agencies like Social Workers, Speech and Language/Therapist or other professionals who are involved in providing andà dealing with all childrens needs, to work together as part of a team, with consistency in their work. This helps by each individual knowing where they stand and where they need to progress further in helping to meet the needs of each child and their families.
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